Tuesday 13 March 2007

"No comment" - Her "Majesty" vs. Gerry McGeough

And why would he have any comment for a British kangaroo court?

For those who didn't hear, the "Good Friday Agreement" notwithstanding, Gerry was charged in an Enniskillen court today with trumped-up charges of attempted murder, conspiracy to murder and firearms possession. To each of the charges Gerry replied "no comment", words and events which should bring shame on the compromised leadership of Provisional Sinn Féin, who continue to sell the "civic policing" lie to the Republican grassroots.

The bones of the story may be read here, but elsewhere, the resistance is building, and your prayers for Gerry, Maria, their three children and all Irish Republican prisoners are sorely needed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck gerry. Can someone let us know when gerry is in belfast high court so we can go down and support him.