* This very sad news was a shock but we can all imagine it was not unexpected.
* For details of the false accusations you can link to BBC News etc. and read the ridiculous explanations of arresting the ONLY CATHOLIC CANDIDATE who opposed the Masonic world. (Ulster Unionists and the infiltrated Sinn Fein party)http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/n...nd/6432381.stm
* It does not take a brilliant mind to understand that the so called "Northern Ireland Peace" is reserved for those who have surrendered to the Masonic overlord from London.
* Obviously, Gerry McGeough. in clear vision and full view presented his concept of The Kingship of Christ.
* Recent disclosures from Germany have revealed that his previous arrest many years ago was all planned by the German government.
* Please remember Gerry and his family in your daily Rosaries.
* We must continue the work for the return of Christianity to Ireland and the world.
* We hope and fully intend to keep all our readers informed through our publication and web site.
* Hopefully our website will not suffer the same fate as our editor.
Later today, a second update statement was issued:
Currently we have no new information regarding Gerry McGeough. He is still being questioned at Antrim PSNI station. We will update our site as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for Gerry and his family during this time. With prayer let us call down upon the county of Ireland and the entire World the peace of God in justice and charity. St. Michael The Archangel, please pray for us!
Gerry chin up. Hope you get out soon, and get back to your wife and family.
Irish-American activists in the USA are working diligently on Gerry's case to get it publicized and to demand of the British Government his immediate release without charge.
It's time Gerry and Vincent was released. There obviously is no fair policing or fair play in Northern Ireland. The two men are being used for the amusement of the (dup) and jealous political reasons!! Thoughts are with Maria, Brenda and both families. Concerned Monaghaners
It's time Gerry and Vincent was released without charge. There's no fair policing in Northern Ireland! Thoughts are with Maria, Brenda and their families. Concerned Monaghaners...
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